Duth Departments in the Prefecture of Xanthi
1.Technical Engineering
2.Constructions statics and dynamics
3.Reinforced concrete and seismic engineering
4. Metal Constructions
5. Road Construction, Roadway and Road security
6. Public Transport technics and space arrangements
7. Hydraulic and technique of the environment
8. Hydrology and hydraulic works
9. Coastal and port construction work
10. Soil mechanics and foundation works
11. Geodesy
12. Building Materials
13. Building
14. Engineering Geology
15. Building Components and organisation of construction sites
16. Mathematics and computers in civil engineering
1. Visual, Electronic and Optical Applications
2. Architectural design and research I : General Building Constructions
3. Architectural design and research II : Special Building Constructions
4. Architectural design and research III : Morphology and Rythmology
5. Architectural design and research IV : Space Organisation and Microenvironments
6. Architectural design and research V : Building Compositions and Architectural technology
7. Urban Planning and Design
1. Physics
2. Electromagnetic theory
3. Electric circuits, modification systems and images lab
4. Electronics
5. Telecommunication Systems and nanotechnology
6. Laboratory of microtechnology and nanotechnology
7. Microwaves
8. Automatic Control System and robotics
9. Programming and information processing
10. Mechatronic and automatism electromechanical systems
11. Nuclear Technology
12. Integrated circuit lab
13. Electronic machines
14. Electric energy systems
15. Power Industry
16. Biomedical technologies lab
17. Computers sciences and high services lab
1. Technology of energy production from non-conventional sources
2. Management and technology of waste water
3. Technology and management of solids and dangerous
4. Sewages
5. Environmental chemistry
6. Green Engineering and technology
7. Air Pollution and clean technology
8. Environmental and anthropognostic planning
9. Business economics and environmental technology
Duth Departments in the Prefecture of Rhodope
- 1. Physical Education and Sports
- 1. Social and Community Work and Consulting
1. Research for Greek and comparative philology
2. Papyrology - Palaeography
3. Linguistics and Education
1. Forensic Sciences
2. European Studies Centre
3. European and Greek Law
4. Comparative and European Employment Law
5. Research on arbitration issues
6. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedures
7. Constitutional Law
8. Study of best available practices in legislation
9. International Law and International Relations “Krateros Ioannou”
1. Folkloristics and social anthropology
2. Modern History and History of Education
3. Palaeography – Manuscripts and incunabula books conservation
4. Physical Anthropology
5. Technology, research and applications in education
- 1. Theory of decisions making and economic analysis
Duth Departments in the Prefecture of Evros
1. Child’s psychology lab
2. Computers Science lab
3. Research and communication on environment and environmental education lab
4. Research and Study lab for family and children’s age
5. Pedagogical research and teaching practices lab
1. Teaching methodologies and traineeships lab
2. Mathematics and Computer sciences lab
3. Natural Sciences lab
4. Educational psychology and special educational needs lab
5. Research and history education
6. Environmental research and education lab
7. Linguistics teaching and research lab
8. Geology – Geography lab
9. Social groups and critical pedagogy in theatre
10. History of education lab
1. Molecular Genetics and pharmacogenomics -toxicogenomic lab
2. Ecology and biodiversity’s conservation lab
3. Molecule adjusting and development of diagnostic technology lab
4. Bio-molecular structure and biophysics analysis lab
5. Biochemistry and molecular virology lab
6. Human genetics and experimental models lab
7. Variability in genomics and Genetic epidemiology lab
8. Development of scientists teaching and professional skills lab
9. Computing physics-chemistry lab
10.Applied microbiology and biotechnology lab
11. Molecular immunobiology lab
12. Organic biological chemistry and chemistry of natural products
13. Gene expression of molecular diagnostics and remedies lab
14. Population genetics and development lab
15. Molecular biology and molecular neurobiology lab
16. Molecular Biology of the Cell – cell cycle and proteomic lab
1. Biology lab
2. Genetics lab
3. Biochemistry lab
4. Physiology lab
5. Pharmacology lab
6. Microbiology lab
7. Medicine statistics lab
8. Neurophysiology lab
9. Social medicine and sociology lab
10. Sanitary and protection of environment lab
11. Clinical microbiology lab
12. Physiology of progeny and artificial insemination lab
13. Medical physics lab
14. Anatomy lab
15. Laboratory of Histology-Embryology
16. Pathological anatomy
17. Radioanagnosis lab
18. Laboratory of forensic – toxicology human identification and medical insurance
19. Nuclear medicine lab
20. Clinical anatomy lab
21. Immunohistochemistry lab
22. Cytology lab
23. Immunohistochemistry – Immunobiology lab
24. Haematology - immune haematology lab
25. Molecular haematology lab
26. Immunohistochemistry and kidney histocompatibility lab
27. Kidney pathophysiology and metabolic disease lab
28. Study on gastrointestinal system and liver lab
29. Clinical Immunology lab
30. Allergology lab
31. Infections immunodiagnostic lab
32. Clinical pharmacology lab
33. Respiratory insufficiency lab
34. Atherosclerosis study lab
35. Experimental surgery and surgical research lab
36. Endoscopy lab
37. Laparoscopy and robotic surgery
38. Image administration and telemedicine lab
39. Andrology lab
40. Vitro Fertilisation lab
41. Family planning lab
42. Gynaecological cytology lab
43. Audiology lab
44. Sleep – sleep apnoea and smore study lab
45. Virtual reality surgery lab
46. Psychopathology and medical psychology lab
47. Speech disorders and language therapy lab
48. Psychoanalysis lab
49. Clinical neurophysiology lab
50. Computer science lab
51. Control and report of infections lab
1. Agriculture lab
2. Arboriculture – Planting – Floriculture lab
3. Plants breeding and physiology lab
4. Pharmacology and ecotoxicology lab
5. Plant pathology lab
6. Agricultural entomology and zoology lab
7. Animal husbandry lab
8. Hydrobiology lab
9. Beekeeping and Sericulture lab
10. Agricultural economics lab
11. Plant diseases lab
12. Agricultural policy and cooperative lab
13. Natural sciences lab
14. Hydraulics lab
15. Applied economic statistic and computer sciences lab
16. Agricultural installations and equipment lab
17. Chemistry and Biochemistry lab
18. Food processing lab
19. Microbiology, biotechnology and sanitary lab
1. Forestry lab
2. Forest Genetic and improvement of forestry goods lab
3. Botanical forest lab
4. Environmental hydrology and pollution lab
5. Forest soil science lab
6. Forest pasture lab
7. Hunting and fishing of mountain waters lab
8. Forest biometric-biostatic lab
9. Forest management lab
10. Forestry and environmental policy, education and communication lab
11. Forestry, finance and entrepreneurship lab
12. Forestry – environmental computing and calculating intelligence lab
13. Forest remote-sensing and geochloric analysis lab
14. Mountain waters arrangement and risk management
15. Mechanical engineering and topography lab
16. Forest technology lab
17. Wood technology and bioenergy lab