Institutional Framework


The legal framework for SARF functioning is determined by the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMT) of Minister of Finance and Minister of Education and Religious Affairs JMT/679/22.8.1996 (Gov. Gazette 826, i. B’), as ratified by Article 36 of Law No 3794/2009 (Gov.Gazette 156, i. A’) and replaced by Articles 36 and 37 of Law No 3848/2010 (Gov. Gazette 71, i. A’) and Article 377 (1) of the Treaty. 1, subparagraph 81 of Law No 4412/2016 (Gov. Gazette 147 i. A’). In addition, it is based on Law No 4009/2011 and Law No 4310/2014, while it is supplemented by the Funding and Management Guide, which has been approved by the
decision No. 35/629/16.10.2008 of DUTH Senate and published in Government Gazette 416/2009, issue B’, according to the authorising provisions of Article 3 (2), subparagraph (a) of Law No 3027/2002 (Gov. Gazette 152, i. A’) and as the Funding and Management Guide replaced by Gov. Gazette 1844/2010, Gov. Gazette 1783/2011, Gov. Gazette 594/2012 and Gov. Gazette 3427/2013. Moreover the legal framework for SARF functioning is defined by the new Law No 4485/2017 - Gov. Gazette 114/A/4-8-2017, “Organization and functioning of Higher Education, regulations for research and other provisions”.